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Members Update – July 2022

2022 AGM and President’s Report Officiated by Councillor David Law, Division 10 Councillor, Sunshine Coast Council, the 2022 AGM was well attended, with 21 members enjoying the vibrant and welcoming atmosphere at the Tiki Bar and The Pavilion Eumundi. Thank you Jon, Karen, Gabby and Scott for your gracious hospitality. President David opened proceedings welcoming…

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Chamber Member Updates MAY 2022

A New Chapter for Eumundi Village Pharmacy After 19 years taking care of our communities pharmaceutical needs Tania and John and Eumundi Village Pharmacy announce that they have sold the business, with exchange of contracts expected later this month. We wish Tania and John all the best as they kick back to enjoy more family…

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Member and Affiliate Partner News FEBRUARY/MARCH 2022

Noosa Hinterland Realty: Awarded 2022 Suburb Winner, Rate My Agent Agency of the Year Huge congratulations Carol and the entire team at Noosa Hinterland Realty in being announced as the 2022 Agent of the Year Award Winners! Principal and owner Carol Dolan tells us that the awards, which are in their eighth year, are the…

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Chamber Member and Affiliate Partners News JULY 2021

Chamber Members and Affiliate Partners News JULY 2021 1. Australian Tax Office: Increase in Super Guarantee As announced on the 8 June 2021, the Superannuation Guarantee rate increased from 9.5% to 10% on 1st July 2021. If you have employees, you will need to ensure your payroll and accounting systems are updated to incorporate the…

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Members News APRIL 2021

Members News for April Here’s the latest news and updates from some of Eumundi Chamber members… Do you have some news, special offers or hot deals to share but aren’t a member of Chamber… Join now to take advantage of this member benefit today! FIND OUT MORE ABOUT MEMBER BENEFITS HERE…  Members can send through…

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Member News MARCH 2021

Here’s the latest news and updates from some of Eumundi Chamber members… Do you have some news, special offers or hot deals to share but aren’t a member of Chamber… Join now to take advantage of this member benefit today! FIND OUT MORE ABOUT MEMBER BENEFITS HERE…  Members can send through their news and announcements…

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