Member & Affiliate Partner News NOVEMBER 2023
Bamboo Australia: Beer cans and poles!

Over the past eighteen years Bamboo Australia has been supplying the Australian Antarctic Division (AAC) with long poles, which are used as markers at various Antarctic bases.
"Our poles are harvested here, packed and sent to Hobart where they are loaded onto ships for forwarding to Casey, Mawson, Davis & Wilkins bases. A long way from sub-tropical Belli Park!"
However, when questioned on how the poles are ultilised “I have been informed on many occasions that an empty beer can was attached to a pole, which provides a radar reflection. Yeah! Pull the other one.” says Durn.
After many years of asking the AAC for proof, finally Durn has the truth! Read the full story here, and remember to get in now for your holiday project orders for delivery before Christmas.

Red Peg Laser: Shed Sale!
With the holiday season almost upon us, it’s the perfect time to get in early to buy the perfect gift for family and friends, or perhaps something unique for your child’s teacher or even this year’s Secret Santa!
To make gift shopping easier for everyone and avoid the crowds, Red Peg Laser is opening on Sunday November 26, 2023 from 8am-12pm in Eumundi for a ‘Shed Sale’ with nothing over $25!
Michelle would love to see you there!
OEM: Night Markets are Back for Christmas!

“We’re excited to bring you the news of not one but two fantastic night markets that you won’t want to miss this December!”
Friday December 8, 2023: “Eumundi Christmas Night Market - a magical evening of shopping, celebrating and spreading holiday cheer!”
Friday December 22, 2023: “Foodie Night Market” - where you can indulge in a wide array of delectable street food!
We are committed to fostering the spirit of community and supporting our local businesses. With locals and visitors alike coming together, we look forward to encouraging everyone to shop local, embrace the holiday spirit, and make this season a memorable one.
We can't wait to share the joy of these upcoming nights with you. See you at the markets!"
Visit OEM’s Social Media and Facebook event pages to discover all the details about this year's exciting activities, and vendors.

Movember: Changing the face of men's health with Eumundi Mo-Tribe!
There’s still time to get involved and support Eumundi Mo-Bros fundraising for Movember.
From ultimate frisbee fun, raffles, hairy hikes, starry night movies, car rally's to movement circles, pilates and coffee catch ups. With so many family and community inclusive activities, there’s something for everyone!
Mo-sey on over to their Facebook Page to keep up to date with their upcoming events!

BCQ: FREE Workforce Evolve Program - Registrations now open!
To help employers address the labour shortage, Business Chamber Queensland is proud to deliver the Workforce Evolve Program, a Queensland Government funded e-learning program designed to help employers think differently about who they hire and how to retain them in the future.
With six flexible ‘learn-on-demand’ online modules this FREE program focuses on skills in workforce planning, attracting the right candidates, supporting diversity in the workplace, change management and much more!
If you are ready to adapt to the changing work environment, evolve the way you attract and retain staff, and equip yourself with the tools and information needed to bring fresh and innovative thinking to your workplace now and into the future, then register today to get started.

BCQ: FREE Digital Training Courses to help your business thrive!
“For business to survive and thrive in an ever changing digital landscape it’s vital to stay up-to-date!”
Learn at your convenience with thousands of FREE digital training courses to support your business development now and into the future.
Current topics are Digital in less than 5 minutes; Marketing, Social media and Websites, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, and much more!

BCQ: Beyond 2032 Business Outlook just released!
BCQ’s Beyond 2032 Business Outlook presents the latest business insight into the economy and global markets, workforce, digitalisation and business sustainability, providing a preview of the path that lies ahead for Queensland's business landscape.
“The research sets out four key business and economic factors in the lead up to and beyond the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games”
What should you be doing to get ready? Access your copy of the report via the link below.

SCC Business: Are you ready to grow your business? Then it's time to 'Level Up'!
Introducing a new online platform delivered by Sunshine Coast Council collating resources and support from local Chambers of Commerce, industry groups and all levels of government to provide you with a centralised information source.
Following on with our series, the focus area of this edition is ‘CONTINUITY PLANNING FOR RESILIENCE AND RECOVERY.
Businesses are often faced with disruptions and setbacks caused by internal and external influences. Mitigate the impacts to your business by building resilience and planning in business for recovery.
This ‘Level Up’ resource helps you to understand what is ‘continuity planning’, and enables you to prepare for emergencies. You will also find links to resources and programs to help you strengthen your business in times of disruption and potential crisis.