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Lonergan Lane Markets Now Open: Apply for a Site Today!

Be seen at Eumundi Markets with Eumundi Chamber of Commerce… New market stall sites available from March 1, 2023. Be quick and secure your site today! Apply Now! Eumundi Chamber members can now take advantage of being in the central hub of the Eumundi Markets every market day! Chamber is pleased to announce a new…

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Members Update – July 2022

2022 AGM and President’s Report Officiated by Councillor David Law, Division 10 Councillor, Sunshine Coast Council, the 2022 AGM was well attended, with 21 members enjoying the vibrant and welcoming atmosphere at the Tiki Bar and The Pavilion Eumundi. Thank you Jon, Karen, Gabby and Scott for your gracious hospitality. President David opened proceedings welcoming…

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Nominations for ECC Executive Positions 2022 AGM

Eumundi Chamber of Commerce Inc Nominations for Executive Management Positions 2022-2023 Nominations for Management Committee positions have been duly received as follows: PRESIDENT Nominee: Cindy Suters Proposer: David Perez Seconder: Louise Formosa VICE PRESIDENT Nominee: David Perez Proposer: Louise Formosa Seconder: Cindy Suters SECRETARY Nominee: Louise Formosa Proposer: David Perez Seconder: Cindy Suters TREASURER No…

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Eumundi Placemaking Stage 2: Memorial Drive Draft Streetscape Concept Plan

Thank you to the 50+ Chamber members, and Eumundi traders who participated in the Business Engagement session with Council’s Placemaking Project Officers at last month’s Coffee and Conversations. The ‘Have Your Say’ survey is now closed. Feedback gathered from this latest round of community engagement is currently being reviewed by Council to be integrated into…

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Notice of Annual General Meeting

2022 Annual General Meeting of the Eumundi Chamber of Commerce Inc Notice is hereby given that the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Eumundi Chamber of Commerce Inc will be held on Thursday May 26, 2022 at The Pavilion Eumundi.  Members, affiliate partners and associates are invited to join us the AGM, to be…

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Eumundi Placemaking Community Consultation Commenced

Eumundi Placemaking Project Share your vision to help shape Eumundi’s future Eumundi Chamber of Commerce is pleased to confirm that community engagement for the Placemaking in Eumundi – Memorial Drive Streetscape Project has commenced. This project, which will result in long awaited streetscape improvements in Eumundi, is most welcomed by Chamber member businesses trading throughout…

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Eumundi Chamber of Commerce Inc AGM & Election of Management Committee for 2020-2021

Eumundi Chamber of Commerce Inc Annual General Meeting | Election of 2020-2021 Management Committee | President’s Report The Eumundi Chamber of Commerce Inc Annual General Meeting was held at The Imperial Hotel on October 1, 2020 from 5.30pm. It was truly a lovely night, with a warm gathering of members along with Andrew Fairbairn from…

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Eumundi Chamber of Commerce Awarded $34K Grant Funding

Experience Eumundi Long term tourism boost for Eumundi local businesses and region MEDIA RELEASE 16 October 2020   The Eumundi Chamber of Commerce, together with the support of Eumundi Combined Community Organisation (ECCO) is delighted to announce that the Chamber has been awarded a $34,000 grant by the Gambling Community Benefit Fund to assist with…

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Getting Back to Business SEPTEMBER UPDATE

Getting Back to Business SEPTEMBER 2020 UPDATE Here’s the latest collection of resources we’ve compiled for your convenience since our last member’s newsletter. For members, information about the following can also be found in Chamber’s Member Information Centre (MIC) online.   1. Sunshine Coast Discovery Guide Expand Sunshine Coast Council has unveiled the updated Discovery Guide featuring additional…

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$20K Funding Approved From VSC for Eumundi!

We’re excited to announce that the Sunshine Coast sub-regions have been approved for $20K funding from Visit Sunshine Coast (VSC) each to promote their towns post-COVID. This funding was provided to Eumundi Combined Community Organisation (ECCO) trading as Experience Eumundi (EE), which will have direct benefit to each of ECCO’s member organisations, including Eumundi Chamber…

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