2023 AGM and Presidents Report
Officiated by Councillor David Law, Division 10, Sunshine Coast Council, the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Eumundi Chamber of Commerce Inc was well supported with 18 member representatives in attendance. Apologies were also recorded from 14 member representatives who were unable to be there.
Thank you to The Imperial Hotel for their generous hospitality, along with donation of one of the five lucky door prizes. We also thank Cr David Law for his corporate gifts, donated for the other four lucky door prizes.
President Cindy opened proceedings welcoming members and guests; then presenting her Presidents Report on behalf of the management team covering accomplishments, and the year in review.
Treasurer Ashlee's report was presented to members by Secretary Louise, who spoke to the audited Financial Reports for Chamber's financial year ending 28 February 2023.
Election of Executive Positions for 2023/24 resulted in the return of the 2022/23 committee to continue in their respective positions.
Meet the 2023/2024 Chamber Management Team
From left: Cr David Law, (Division 10 Councillor, Sunshine Coast Council) Election Chairman; Louise Formosa (Secretary); Cindy Suters (President); David Perez (Vice President) Ashlee Collins (Treasurer).
Apology: Craig Manley (Eumundi Traders Representative)

Presidents Report
Annual Membership Fee and Renewal for 2023/2024
The management committee made two recommendations regarding membership fees for the 2023/2024 year to members at the AGM as follows:
(a) Increase the annual membership fee to $130.00 ($10 increase)
(b) Special offer of 50% reduction in annual membership fee to be given to new "Ordinary Members" during the 2023/2024 Financial Year for applicants who have not previously applied for membership to chamber.
Both items were carried with all in favour.
Members are invited to renew their membership for 2023/2024 which are due July 1, 2023. Invoices will be emailed in June for payment by 31 July 2023.