Chamber Member and Affiliate Partners News JULY 2021
Chamber Members and Affiliate Partners News JULY 2021
1. Australian Tax Office: Increase in Super Guarantee
As announced on the 8 June 2021, the Superannuation Guarantee rate increased from 9.5% to 10% on 1st July 2021. If you have employees, you will need to ensure your payroll and accounting systems are updated to incorporate the increase to the super rate.
The super rate is scheduled to progressively increase to 12% by July 2025. You can find the scheduled rate increases and dates, along with a super guarantee contributions calculator on the ATO website.
2. VSC's NEW Website has launched... FOR REAL! Are you listed?
Visit Sunshine Coast (VSC) launched their brand-new website last month to deliver personalised web experiences to market the region’s tourism and events experiences.
IMPORTANT: If you are a tourism industry related member of VSC and would like your business promoted on you are now required to create a business listing on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) via the link below.
CLICK HERE to find out if you are listed on VSC’s new website for Eumundi.
If you aren’t on the site yet, go to the ATDW website to get started HERE
For assistance, please contact Anke at or 07 5458 8800 (business hours).

COVID19 Hotspot Recovery Package - CCIQ Online Survey
In response to the latest three-day COVID19 lockdown in Queensland, CCIQ has developed a Hotspot Recovery Package for Business and is advocating for the Queensland Government to support Queensland businesses.
The package is aimed at
- Providing a safety net for businesses as well as certainty and support to continue.
- Creating an opportunity to keep businesses open where able and maintain jobs.
- Support hotspot declared areas to return to business as usual operations after a period of restricted business activity.
- Cushioning the potential economic impact of a hotspot from affecting broader regional and statewide supply chain.
In the proposed recovery package for Queensland Business, CCIQ is recommending a payment of up to $25,000 for hotspot-affected businesses, depending on the extend to which they are impacted to cover loss of stock and trade and support the reinstatement of business operations.
We encourage you to also have your say by taking a few moments to complete their survey to assist CCIQ in their advocacy on behalf of Chambers of Commerce and Queensland businesses.
4. CCIQ June Quarter Pulse Survey is now open

The June Quarter Pulse Survey of Business Conditions is now open, and CCIQ wants to hear from you.
What impact has the lockdowns and COVID-19 restrictions had on you and your business, both financially and emotionally?
Make sure your voice is heard, so CCIQ can advocate for strategic planning and future investment decisions that matter to your business.